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Physics of optoelectronics /

Parker, Michael A.

Physics of optoelectronics / Optoelectronics Michael A. Parker. - Boca Raton, FL : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - xvi, 742 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Ch. 1. Introduction to semiconductor lasers --
Ch. 2. Introduction to laser dynamics --
Ch. 3. Classical electromagnetics and lasers --
Ch. 4. Mathematical foundations --
Ch. 5. Fundamentals of dynamics --
Ch. 6. Light --
Ch. 7. Matter-light interaction --
Ch. 8. Semiconductor emitters and detectors --
App. 1. Review of integrating factors --
App. 2. Rate and continuity equations --
App. 3. The group velocity --
App. 4. Review of probability theory and statistics --
App. 5. The Dirac delta function --
App. 6. Coordinate representations of the Schrodinger wave equation --
App. 7. Integrals with two time scales --
App. 8. The dipole approximation --
App. 9. The density operator and the Boltzmann distribution. TOC

Focuses on the properties of optical fields and their interaction with matter. This work offers an introduction to lasers, LEDs, and the rate equations, and then describes the emission and detection processes. It summarizes and reviews the mathematical background of the quantum theory embodied in the Hilbert space.

0824753852 9780824753856



TA1750 / .P37 2005

621.381045 / PAP 2005